Thursday, October 8, 2009


Just got off the phone with mopm and she was on the way home from the hospitol with dad. They were stopping someplace to eat first cuz dad wanted some real food i am sure. I just cant tell you how relieved i am. I was so freaked out about him becoming paralyzed. So glad what i saw yesterday though. He stood straight up, without bending his knees or ankles, was able to bend at the knees and stand up with out help, able to grip my hand wityh a real hand shake, raise his arms over his head and pick up individual coins off a table top. Mom said that he walked around the 10th floor twice without needing to stop, but did slow down becuse he got winded from walking SO fast!
Now i just got to get him to take it slow enuff to heal up b4 he goes back out and tackles the world. . . I am sooooo very stoked!

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